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Repetitive strain injury Or upper limb disorders can cause Elbow Pain Wrist Pain Neck Pain Shoulder Pain


Repetitive strain injury or Upper limb disorders, neck, shoulder, arm and hand seem to be on the increase. Probably this is due to the fact that we are using our shoulders, arms, hands and fingers much more repetitively in our modern lifestyle activity. This is most definitely worth the read as it is well written and easily understood.

Repetitive strain musculature conditions if they are in the high-risk red zone need to be risk assessed and you will need to make some reduction and take more breaks and rest for your muscular skeletal system to recover. One cannot force the healing time of muscles, tendons and ligaments, especially if they have become repetitively damaged over the years. Tissues can only heal given the correct environment, which includes reducing the risk styled activities, and encouraging tissue healing with a combination of multifactorial approaches. Sometimes this will require surgery, such as in the hand or metacarpal tunnel syndrome, the shoulder is at risk, from rolling forward over for long periods of repetitive actions, such as in using the computer, tablet and smart phone.

You need to carefully read the health and safety guidelines to appreciate how important it is to reduce your repetitive strain risks, changing a variety of normal habit patterns is also time-consuming and can take up to a year or two. This is frustratingly slow, so any changes you can make to reduce your repetitive long-term risk in your muscular skeletal system is hugely beneficial for your own personal well-being
















Treatment and Consultation for one hour £45.00  please  remember  includes time to fill in your treatment plan and examination notes as part of our General Osteopathic Code of Practice 

Treatment and Consultation for one hour with shockwave therapy is £50  

It is possible after your first consultation and you have a simple treatment plan to have a 30 minute appointment for £30   this is useful for the long term achilles tendinopathies or plantar fasciitis which seem to take between 4 to 10 sessions    depending on your age and how severe your condition  For Achilles Tendons is it useful if you can arrange to have an diagnostic ultra sound scan via your GP 

Repetitive strain injury Or upper limb disorders can cause Elbow Pain Wrist Pain Neck Pain Shoulder Pain


Neck  Pain Surgery and Recovery

Neck Pain Surgery and Recovery

Innovative neurosurgery and Focus  Shockwave intervention takes a severely compromised patient from under a life of pain and drug therapy to the road to recovery.   When Michael Cornforth felt some pain in his neck, he reacted like most of us would. He rubbed it,...

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Neck Pain

Neck Pain

Neck pain is a highly complex and challenging common it affects all of us at some stage in our life, particularly as we grow older and our cervical  muscles are not so strong at a time when we are beginning to develop wear and tear in our vertebra. It is important to...

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