Edinburgh Osteopath
News & Treatment Innovations in Osteopathy
Magnetotransduction Therapy EMTT
Lecture on Magnetotransduction Therapy click on this underlined link below Lecture on Magnetotransduction Therapy by Venn Tutors Case Study: chronic neck shoulders and headaches for over 10 years 6 sessions every 2 weeks was significantly beneficial. ...
Pure Stem cells
Regenerative Medicine is an emerging specialism in Medicine At least if you are interested in stem cells make sure that the provider of Stem Cells had a fully licensed by the MRHA UK LifePlus Pure Stems has been developing in...
Shockwaves Therapy with Stress Fractures
There are two types of shockwave therapy here in Edinburgh, Radial and Focused Shockwaves It is essential that one it screened for red flags such as stress fractures and the gold standard is MRI Scan. Please watch this video clip by Vennhealthcare on the...
Focus shockwaves Biological Action on Bone
There are two types of shockwaves The true shockwave Focus shockwaves and Radial Pressure waves Radial Pressure waves are generated by means of a projectile located within a tube and accleraated by compressed air, causing it to strike an impact plate that acts...
Magnetic Fields affecting Cell Life
Zablotskii(2016)- Magnetic Field affecting Cell Life How the Magnetolith works Here is Magnetic Wave Therapy beneficially helping chronic headaches, neck and shoulder pain
Focus Shockwaves and Lower Limb Stress Fractures
There are many reasons for stress fractures in the lower limb which should be read and studied and this is not going to be gone into on this case study This track and field athlete was in training and only felt an ache in his left foot, This is nothing unusual...
Radial Shockwaves and Achilles Tendinopathy RCT
Achilles Tendinitis Is a common condition and is increasingly popular to have shockwaves. There are two types of shockwave, focus and radial You can click on the link below which is a nice trial using radial shockwave double-blind RCT Abdelkader(2021)-...
Focus Shockwave : Does it work like Magic for Great Trochanteric Pain Syndrome
Lateral Hip Pain has many causes and one of the more common is Great Trochanteric Pain Syndrome or Lateral Hip Pain from hip tendons shockwave: does it work like magic for the greater Trochanteric Pain Syndrome GTS is one of the most common orthopaedic...
Back Pain with nerve irritation due to degenerative spinal conditions
Low back pain As we grow older is particularly common and there is many different levels of low back pain. Mostly low back pain in the older age group it’s due to the normal processes of degeneration and wear and tear. And while we often will get some symptoms of low...
Neck Pain Surgery and Recovery
Innovative neurosurgery and Focus Shockwave intervention takes a severely compromised patient from under a life of pain and drug therapy to the road to recovery. When Michael Cornforth felt some pain in his neck, he reacted like most of us would. He rubbed it,...