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Neck Pain Symptoms which travel down your arm.

Neck pain symptoms  vary considerably including the level of pain and where the pain goes  – like into your head causing headaches or feeling out of  sorts, or down your arm and in this particular case history presentation




This young lady was a student with her first job,  We used  Cefar Compex  Ultra Sound and her wonderful NHS GP .   My costs are £35.oo or £20.00   MRI Scans can be arranged for £ myself too if your NHS GP is having problems with long delays due to pressure on the NHS  Further reviews on Helen  Google reviews and Edinburgh online   thank you so much from all you wonderful reviewers for putting up with me (Helen)!!!

C6 C7


Three weeks ago I went to see Helen in agony having sustained an inflamed compressed in my neck during marathon training. I was also terribly anxious about missing work as my occupation is with young children which  involves heavy lifting and twisting both to my back and my stiff neck, soar shoulders and a horrible heavy arm with pins and needles.  I was distraught .  I called Helen (who was busy with someone else, however Helen immediately picked up my distress and gave me some excellent advice explaining how to liaise with herself and my GP)   I was feeling so distressed and thankfully my wonderful GP was utterly brilliant and her examined me, observed my distress and much to my surprise and delight gave me suitable painkillers.


In accordance with the GP’s co-operation in administering suitable medication and Helen’s expertise, she was able to provide the most thorough, successful and value for money treatment program. This involved a combination of ultrasound, cranial and … complex machine used currently on English Premier League football teams.


Remarkable as now only ten days  later after combining with my GP and following Helen`s strict instructions of reducing all heavy activities giving is proper time to settle I am pain free. And more importantly to me I am returning back to work It was a speedy effective recovery






So happy NHS   happy you   etc


Neck Pain Symptoms which travel down your arm.


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Neck Pain

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