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Hip and groin pain Helen attended conference 16 April 2016 on hip and groin pain By Beony Mathew & Glen Robbins

Hip and groin pain is a huge highly complicated challenging topic it affects all ages and keeping up-to-date with all the current research is impossible unless one attends conferences led by specialist physiotherapists who specialise in this area of diagnosis and rehabilitation  There are Centres of Excellence in England

The adult hip and all the different aspects of pain management and rehabilitation becoming high specialised and interesting   and cannot be reported in a blog

it is very important that the training of all healthcare professionals keep themselves up-to-date in all their specialist areas so good continuing CPD part of professional development

By attending courses such as the adult hip by Beony Mathew and Glen Robbins
in which lecture notes and up-to-date rehabilitation and management and care of hip and groin pain is essential as hip and groin pain is on the increase in our ageing population



One learnt a clear understanding how best to approach hip joint pain which is not related to arthritis this is typically in the age group between 18 and 45 and is an active age group and it’s called Fermoral Articular Impingement this is a different condition to developing osteoarthritis of the hip joint

If one can pick this particular condition up early enough one is hoping to prevent the development of osteoarthritis of the hip or at least delaying it







Diagnosing the adult hip includes the practical assessment of the hip taking pain chart for the hip and assessing if there are other potential pathologies such as acetabulalar tears ligamentous Teres or snapping hip

Conservative management of the non-arthritic hip pain and the Conservative management of the mild arthritic hip pain is important as in fact there’s quite a few exercises that actually can increase hip pain such as the deep squat

All this information and how to keep the hip pain reduced was beautifully given to us by our physiotherapists in our folder of notes for instance it is important to be aware that prolonged sitting cycling and rowing can increase hip pain

If you wish to find out any more about how to manage your hip pain

One has to thank both Beony Mathew & Glen Robbins for coming up to Edinburgh to give us osteopaths and physiotherapists such an amazing brilliance conference day and many hours of work

Without attending all these ongoing evidence-based conference these reviews would not be possible thank you very much.

Current Reviews can be read here click on link
Helen`s  contact details

Helen How 
Registered  Osteopath
14 Craighall Gardens
Edinburgh EH6 4RJ

(0131) 551 1044
text (07889) 304762


Treatment with out using shockwave therapy is £45 per hour
treatment including shockwave therapy and rehabilitation is £50 per hour

Hip and groin pain Helen attended conference 16 April 2016 on hip and groin pain By Beony Mathew & Glen Robbins