Golfer`s 59 yrs M Left Ulnar Wrist discomfort for over 7 months unable to play golf = desperately researching for a suitable solution
(A nice case story for golfers 🏌️♀️)
Pain in the wrist is a frequent complaint in golf. Most complaints are of temporary minor symptoms of limited duration, but sometimes the symptom can be intrusive and either limit or, at worst, prevent practice and performance.
Golf is an equipment dependent sport which demands exact detail to technique, timing and mobility. Wrist pain can interfere with all of these components. A golfer who anticipates pain or discomfort at a certain point in the swing will never perform optimally.
Ulnar sided wrist pain is seen most frequently in golfers and often ECU tendon is considered the more common cause of golfer`s Ulnar sided wrist pain however it was not until a MRI scan report was arranged after a long period of attempts in a diagnosis
Here is the MRI Report which was essential as it revealed that the golfer also had mild bone marrow oedama . ISMST ( International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment) is an indication for treatment of mild bone marrow oedema using Focused Shockwaves.
MRI scan report left wrist
There is a mild tendinopathy as the ECU tendon passes through the ulnar styloid which contains tine geodes and mild bone marrow oedema. The tendons restraining ligament has been sprained but the tendon is not displaced. Small number of tiny ossicles are also noted.
There is no gross injury to the TFCC although there is mild degenerate give changes to its ulnar end.
The golfer had spent seven months researching trying to find a solution he has absolutely passionate about his golf and eventually he googled shockwaves and had 2 treatments of Storz focused shockwaves which is evidence-based for mild bone marrow oedema
He has returned to playing to two 18 holes of golf after two treatments of Focused Shockwaves and completely a course of 3 treatments of Focused shockwaves