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Cervical Neck and Muscular Pain

Cervical Neck and Muscular Pain

There are various medical conditions which cause Cervical Neck and Muscular Pain. Your GP can diagnose which one is responsible, and if you have severe and worsening pain, will refer you to a hospital specialist.

Your Knee Pain which at over your Knee Cap or Patella

Your Knee Pain which at over your Knee Cap or Patella

It’s common to have front knee pain at some stage of your life as your patella – knee cap – is in constant use as you walk up and down stairs or hills.

A properly-functioning knee cap travels up and down a small narrow groove. Sometimes, however, it gets slightly diverted, resulting in increasing soft tissue irritation which is aggravated by walking up and down stairs

Prolonged Active Ergonomic Sitting: Change your posture

Prolonged Active Ergonomic Sitting: Change your posture

In his book on lower back disorders, Professor McGill recommends using an ergonomic chair, pointing out that such a chair must be used properly. Changing posture as frequently as every ten minutes, allows the tissue loads to migrate, thereby minimising the risk of any single tissue`s accumulating micro-trauma. Even if you don’t get up from your chair, moving position or even just fidgeting can help.

A recent Review (April 2010) on Cranial Osteopathy during Pregnancy

Recently a previous pregnant patient returned to me for further treatment, because she wanted to have the European School of Osteopathy approach to pregnancy. As a result of recent controversial news on various therapists, she has asked me to publish her review, to reassure other prospective pregnant patients that cranial osteopathy is safe.