Physiotherapy Electrotherapy Techniques combined with Osteopathy: The best of both worlds
Physiotherapy Electrotherapy was first introduced to me over 30 years ago by a wonderful physiotherapist were I worked in a well known Health Spa used by many celebrities. Physiotherapy Electrotherapy has come on a long way and there are many more approaches, machines and diagnostic advances of which many are used in the States and Europe. At the moment, here in the Great Britain physiotherapy is restricted to exercises and hands on. The use electrotherapy has been greatly reduced with the result that I combine physiotherapy electrotherapy with many of my treatments as electrotherapy has been well evidence based and researched by Professor Tim Watson. He has a new website and here is a link to Key Concepts in Electrotherapy
Our General Osteopathic Council
The General Osteopathic Council has made their website more user-friendly, click here for more information on osteopathy.
Would you believe this? This takes all the force and pressure off your lower back
According to Professor Stuart McGill, Professor of Spine Biomechanics in Canada, the slouch position is best. Why do you think those Formula 1 racing drivers can cope without endless lower back pain?

Trigger point fibrotic nodules can cause havoc in our bodies.
During my 20 years of practising as an osteopath, lifestyles have changed. Today people experience more tension. We also tend to spend longer periods of sitting or standing. This lack of movement can cause a build up of small, hardened fibrotic nodules in various muscles of the body.
The Troublesome Sciatic Nerve
The sciatic nerve is a large nerve which we use all our life and which can develop problems, resulting in pain or compression if there is a prolapsed disc.